If you created a site under a personal Adobe ID, you can migrate the site to another personal Adobe ID using our self-service migration tool.
⚠️ Please note:
- You can only migrate a Portfolio account from either:
- (1) a personal Adobe ID to another personal Adobe ID or
- (2) a School (EDU) account to a personal Adobe ID. We do not support any other types of account migrations.
- You will need to authenticate into both accounts in order to complete the migration. If you can't remember or log into both Adobe IDs, please contact Customer Care for account recovery.
- You will be transferring the sites from the original account to the destination account.
- You will be able to keep a maximum of 5 sites. If both accounts have more than 5 cumulative sites, please delete sites in order to meet the maximum limit.
- There is no limit on the amount of times you can migrate your sites.
To use another Adobe ID with your Portfolio account and associated sites:
- Log into your Adobe Portfolio account
- Click into Settings
- Click Account & Region
- Click Use Another Adobe ID
- Enter the email of the new Adobe ID you wish to use with your sites and click Continue
- Click Done
Confirm and complete the account migration
- Check your email inbox. An email confirming the migration from Account 1 to Account 2 will be sent to the new email you wish to use. If you don't see it, you may need to check your Spam folder.
- Click on the link to confirm and complete the migration (the link will expire in 24 hours - after that you will need to initiate a new migration)
- Log into the new Adobe ID you wish to move your site(s) to
- Confirm the account change by clicking Confirm Migration
- All set! Your Portfolio account and sites are now connected to the new Adobe ID.