If you wish to embed content from another platform, you will want to use the Embed Module. We currently only accept iFrame embed codes and do not accept embedding via URL or HTML.
Note: the "embed code" is different from the web address/URL. On whichever site you used to post your content, there should be a button that says embed, usually denoted by this symbol </>.
Some popular embeds are:
- Youtube
- Vimeo
- SoundCloud
- Issuu
- Spark
- Jotform
- Adobe XD
- Invision
If you have an embed from a provider that we don't support, you can always upload a screenshot of the content (or any other image) and then add a link to the image that navigates out to another website.
Example iFrames from popular embeds
Adobe XD
<iframe width="800" height="400" src="https://xd.adobe.com/embed/xxxxxxxx/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Note: Please make sure that you enter the '/embed' URL within the code (not the '/view' URL), which should look like this: xd.adobe.com/embed/xxxxx. (You can just replace the word 'view' with 'embed')
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hUNdNgoT34A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Youtube Autoplay
<iframe width="420px" height="345px" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/hUNdNgoT34A?autoplay=1"></iframe>
Adobe Express
<iframe src="https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/mQv6DJc3syVtY?/embed.html" width="1200" height="720" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-pointer-lock allow-forms"></iframe>
Note: you will need to add a `?` at the end of the URL you wish to embed.
<iframe border=0 frameborder=0 height=250 width=550 src="http://twitframe.com/show?url=https://twitter.com/Behance/status/723066267247087616"></iframe>
Google Docs
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/xxxxxx" height="800" style="width: 1200% !important;" frameBorder="0"> </i